Ready to Roll

Ready to Roll

Our History

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Ohio, United States
Having recently retired we are fulfilling our long time dream. We began our camping life with a tent in 1969 adjusting as each of our three sons arrived over the years and gradually progressed to a 32' Class A in 2007. Even after our sons became too busy with their own interests, we continued dreaming over the years. The Louisville, KY 2003 Great North American RV Rally and the book "Movin' On" convinced us that a motorhome after retirement was really for us! In 2007 we sold our home and disposed of most of our belongings and awaited the wife's retirement on February 1, 2008. We were out in our first motorhome ten times in our first summer in 2007, with our grandson joining us eight of those ten times. Since he must stay behind with his mom and dad to continue school, we told him he can join us on vacations (by car or plane) anywhere we are as we travel the US. Imagine the history lessons he could acquire! However, Mom and Dad don't look at it that way, especially the flying. Fortunately we don't miss work one bit!! We just miss the friends there. We have many hobbies to keep us busy when we decide to sit still for a day. Hope to see you on the road.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A few days at MESA AZ

We have been in Arizona for twenty-one days but have only taken two sight seeing trips. How sad!! But it has taken us this long to just get acclimated and settled in to our Workamping jobs here at the park. We have tried several different things and find that we are not getting the required twelve hours per week for each of us. That was until last week when I began answering the phone in the construction office here at the park for two days per week which gives me my requirement. Now we just need to make sure that Gary has a full twelve. They say that he will make it all right after Christmas when they have to begin painting the trunks of all of the fruit trees on the 2000 sights. There is a tree on each sight, so that should keep he and others busy for a few weeks!! There are many activities here at the park, some are entertainers who come in to perform. Last Sunday evening we got to see the East Valley Chorale who have performed here several times. Their music was exceptional and the director very good! We are looking forward to more good entertainment here in the park.
I started working with a scrapbooking group here in the park who meet twice a week.
One of the gals does her scrapbooking in a Creative Memories program on the computer.
I am hoping that I can learn a little from her even though I will not do my books for the kids in this program. I might do some of our travels after I finish the kids books. Finish?? Will that ever happen?? We have a weekly meeting on the patio beside the swimming pool here in the park.
This event is to keep us informed of the activities and any other business that we as residents need to be aware of. Gary is to speak a few minutes tomorrow about his pencil art. I think that they want to create some interest for a class for art. So we will see how much interest they get!!
This is our boss, Paul, speaking and his boss, the Activity Director, Rosie. Everyone is so pleasant to work with.
Here I am trying to get everyone to finish taking the angels from the Angel Tree to get the children at local schools taken care of for Christmas. Gary and I had to look for two children's requests for tech decks and bionicles. What??? We sure knew that it had been quite some time since our boys looked through Christmas catalogs. We sure did not know what they were, but we learned fast!!
While out and about driving, we sure have enjoyed the mountain scenery that is all around us. Again we are located in a large valley.
We also ran across the local Christmas tree lot!! Can you imagine selling Christmas trees in 70 degree weather knowing that there will not be any snow?? Especially when the roses are in full bloom along with all other flowering bushes. They are beautiful and the roses line many of the roadways here in the park. There are four Workampers who put there hours in each week keeping them trimmed, fed and weeded. (Notice the freeway retaining wall art in the above picture.)
But we are adjusting and keeping with the program. We have decorated outside as well as inside of our motorhome.
Our decor outside leaves a lot to be desired. But we feel that we do not have space to store anything more. But there are many permanent park models here who really go all out with decorations. The Resort even judges them for the best and most improved. We will hear at the meeting tomorrow morning who the winners are. So maybe I will have some pictures of them to show you next time.
Today I decided to bite the bullet and go to the Mall for a little shopping. I returned after a few hours without anything to show for my time. We really do not need anything for ourselves anyway!! The streets here are laid out in a pretty neat grid which makes navigation pretty easy. Otherwise, I probably would not have gone out alone.
I did risk life and limb to take this picture quick while I was driving. It is the entrance of another resort not too far from the mall. I thought that it was quite unique!! Don't worry, I was at a stop light when I got the camera out of the case!!
Have a great Christmas!! But don't eat too much!! Take care.

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