Ready to Roll

Ready to Roll

Our History

My photo
Ohio, United States
Having recently retired we are fulfilling our long time dream. We began our camping life with a tent in 1969 adjusting as each of our three sons arrived over the years and gradually progressed to a 32' Class A in 2007. Even after our sons became too busy with their own interests, we continued dreaming over the years. The Louisville, KY 2003 Great North American RV Rally and the book "Movin' On" convinced us that a motorhome after retirement was really for us! In 2007 we sold our home and disposed of most of our belongings and awaited the wife's retirement on February 1, 2008. We were out in our first motorhome ten times in our first summer in 2007, with our grandson joining us eight of those ten times. Since he must stay behind with his mom and dad to continue school, we told him he can join us on vacations (by car or plane) anywhere we are as we travel the US. Imagine the history lessons he could acquire! However, Mom and Dad don't look at it that way, especially the flying. Fortunately we don't miss work one bit!! We just miss the friends there. We have many hobbies to keep us busy when we decide to sit still for a day. Hope to see you on the road.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Time in Ohio coming to a close!  We were trying to cram in all of the visits that we could and slowly packing up what we need to move from the condo to the motorhome which has been stored in the Florida panhandle for the past four months.
Christmas was our usual making breakfast for all at Richard's. I always enjoy that and consider it one of my gifts to my daughter-in-law.

In stead of just missing Ben who now lives in Minnesota, Victor left and went to spend the holiday with Ben. I am sure that made the holiday more pleasant for Ben. Weather there had begun to change to very cold, much like in Ohio. We just hope that the dry roads hold out until after we get south through the mountains.
Miranda and Doug needed to go to his family's homes for the day, but they did spend an hour with us. It is always great to spend some time with them also.

Doug loves his hats!

Lynn with Miranda and Doug

Grandpa with Richie and his girlfriend, Savannah

Charlie always love this time of freedom
and being made over by Lynn.

Most of the living area of Rich and Lynn's home is about finished, except for the cabinets in the kitchen. He has done a beautiful job, but they are outgrowing the space, for sure!

January 2nd we went to Niles to meet up with Audrey's cousin and wife, Larry and Betty for breakfast at Bob Evans.  We always have such a wonderful visit with them. Because of reminiscing their wedding some forty years ago, when Victor was their ring bearer, we usually take him along. This year we also took Richard and Lynn, and Larry and Betty brought a couple of their grandchildren also.

Before Christmas Audrey got to have dinner with her friend, Louise, one last time. That same day Audrey also spent much of the day taking Janet to the emergency room and admitting her to the hospital with what appeared might be a broken hip. Later they also found blood clots in the lungs. She sure has had more than her share of health issues since the first of June. Prior to this last hospital visit, she had been doing so well. This sure was a disappointment for her. She had to go into a rehab facility after the hospital stay to let the hip heal since she is not a candidate for surgery because of her other health issues.
Since she was going to be well taken care of there, we decided to head south as planned for the worst of the winter. We were tired of the cold. Ha-ha, Florida panhandle was just as cold when we got there as it was in Ohio. But it did warm up the second week.
We got to finally get to meet up with Bob and Eugenia for dinner at AngeNetta's in Canfield. We had a great dinner and were surprised when Ralph and Ethel came in for dinner at the next table. Funny that we met up with them at another visit there in the past. The restaurant was busy because of the holiday, so we continued our visit by taking Bob and Eugenia to our condo for a while. It was a wonderful visit!!!
Gary also made a stop at Kufleitner's Classic Cars in Salem. He always enjoys cars!!

It is time to order my Blog Book since I have wrapped up the year of 2016. That is another job and I am always relieved to have it finished.
Take care and we wish you a blessed and happy New Year!!

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