Ready to Roll

Ready to Roll

Our History

My photo
Ohio, United States
Having recently retired we are fulfilling our long time dream. We began our camping life with a tent in 1969 adjusting as each of our three sons arrived over the years and gradually progressed to a 32' Class A in 2007. Even after our sons became too busy with their own interests, we continued dreaming over the years. The Louisville, KY 2003 Great North American RV Rally and the book "Movin' On" convinced us that a motorhome after retirement was really for us! In 2007 we sold our home and disposed of most of our belongings and awaited the wife's retirement on February 1, 2008. We were out in our first motorhome ten times in our first summer in 2007, with our grandson joining us eight of those ten times. Since he must stay behind with his mom and dad to continue school, we told him he can join us on vacations (by car or plane) anywhere we are as we travel the US. Imagine the history lessons he could acquire! However, Mom and Dad don't look at it that way, especially the flying. Fortunately we don't miss work one bit!! We just miss the friends there. We have many hobbies to keep us busy when we decide to sit still for a day. Hope to see you on the road.

Saturday, July 2, 2016


So much of the month of June has been spent supplying the condo with it's needs and our wants for it.
Tuesday and Wednesday of this coming week will be full days for the painter, to get all of the dining, living and bedroom along with their closets painted top to bottom. We did empty our storage unit and put most of it in our kitchen to wait for the completion of the painting.
These boxes had to be moved around the corner
into the kitchen also.

This is only half of what this corner
 is holding for the week.

Not much cooking will go on here until all of
this finds it's permanent location.

Our grandson did an awesome job supplying his truck and a lot of his manpower!! Then Friday of this coming week will be the day for the rest of the furniture to be delivered. We did our first purchase of something new, and only once!! The rest is used and some antique. It has been fun!!

Now the job that I dread is finding places for everything!! The other day we found out that we have a large storage closet in the basement of the building. Since a lot of the totes are filled with picture frames and such for showing Gary's art work in shows, that will go in this closet along with our supply of paperbacks.  That just took a load out of the bedroom closets as had been planned previously. I am sure that we will find more to take it's place.

The month has also had a baby shower for a great niece in Girard. So that filled much of one Saturday for me.  It was fun and a good break!! Alexis, I was pleased to have been invited.
Alexis with two friends.

Hostess and grandmother, Loretta, here with her sister Glenda.
Alexis, flanked by her Great Aunt Joan and her sister, Lauren.

Alexis' other hostess, Ryka, is here in the center,
a wonderful step-mom.
Another Saturday in June began with a gym sale at our church, where I found some good things. One was a brand NEW comforter bed set for only $15, So I felt this was a good day.
Gary was one of the first
through the door.
It did get much busier as the day want on, but there
was still a lot left to be looked over the next day.

Gary has kept his Thursday evenings busy for the month of June teaching a colored pencil art class at the church. It was enjoyed last year when we were here, so he decided to offer it again and he had twice the number in this class. He felt that he had good talent here again!!

Did I say some awesome work again??  It sure was!!

The month of June ended with our grandson's graduation party, so that will be the next Blog.
Stay tuned.  It was such a hot day that we all thought we would wilt away!! But I am sure that he enjoyed it.

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