Ready to Roll

Ready to Roll

Our History

My photo
Ohio, United States
Having recently retired we are fulfilling our long time dream. We began our camping life with a tent in 1969 adjusting as each of our three sons arrived over the years and gradually progressed to a 32' Class A in 2007. Even after our sons became too busy with their own interests, we continued dreaming over the years. The Louisville, KY 2003 Great North American RV Rally and the book "Movin' On" convinced us that a motorhome after retirement was really for us! In 2007 we sold our home and disposed of most of our belongings and awaited the wife's retirement on February 1, 2008. We were out in our first motorhome ten times in our first summer in 2007, with our grandson joining us eight of those ten times. Since he must stay behind with his mom and dad to continue school, we told him he can join us on vacations (by car or plane) anywhere we are as we travel the US. Imagine the history lessons he could acquire! However, Mom and Dad don't look at it that way, especially the flying. Fortunately we don't miss work one bit!! We just miss the friends there. We have many hobbies to keep us busy when we decide to sit still for a day. Hope to see you on the road.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


We delayed our trip to warmer Florida to be sure to be present for our grandson, Richard's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. With many family and friends to see yet, it was not difficult to fill the time. However, it was difficult to stay warm at times! We learned the meaning of dressing in layers.

JANUARY 16, 2016 - COURT OF HONOR, Troop 2 of Salem, Ohio
While waiting for Ceremony time, we spent some time in the fellowship hall looking at pictures of Richie's life as scrapbooked by Grandma W. and at Richie's Eagle Project completed for the church.
Sister, Miranda and mom, Lynn

Pictures of the project in progress.
So glad that pictures were taken as I did not
get these in his personal albums.

Hardwood floor for a future cafe' and two back boards.
The corner on the right side is probably to be a project
for another scout in the near future (to have tile floor
and cabinets for kitchen area.

As seen from the opposite end when you enter
from the elevator area.

After the presentation of colors by the boy scouts of Troop 2, Rick Lutsch, Assistant Scout Master, introduced Jeff, the Troop 2 Scout Co-ordinator and Youth Director of the United Methodist Church and Ben, the Asst. Sr. Patrol leader..
Jeff, the Scout Co-ordinator and Youth Director
of the Church.

Ben, the Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader 
Ben had stories to tell of his first introduction to scouting and what affect Richie had on the beginning of his scouting life. It sure sounded like they have a very good relationship.

Then Richie was introduced to talk about his appreciation of all of his scout leaders and what it has meant in his life. I was so pleased with his confidence in speaking.

Rick Lutsch and Richie -
Richie has tried to slide right into the use of his
proper name, but the scouts still hang on to the nickname.

Mr. Lutsch also told stories of many camping experiences in Richie's life.  His sister, Miranda, was in awe at some of the stories told. I think that she was amazed at his character. He's always been the little brother to her. I am taking the liberty of copying her comments made on Facebook.
"Words cannot express how proud I am of my brother. Today I learned so much and heard people say and share amazing stories about him. He is the most caring, quiet, compassionate, kind person I know. He has accomplished so much already and hasn’t even graduated high school yet. I’m so happy for him. Congratulations again Boo, I love you so so much!"

Mr. Larry Cecil, Scout Master of Troop 2, then took over to give the Charge to the Eagle. In his talk he briefly told of the rough year that the Troop had when loosing fellow scouts in an accident when kayaking, and about Richie's feelings involved when he was told that his Eagle Award had been approved. I don't think there were many dry eyes. His talk then lightened the mood when sharing Richie's life, before presenting his mom with the Eagle ribbon to be pinned on Richie's shirt. Of course, then Mom and Dad were presented with their Eagle pins as well.

And the stories and meanings continues with Mr Cecil.
Mom Pins on the Eagle Ribbon

Richie's turn to put mom's Eagle pin on her.

Dad congratulates his son after receiving his Eagle pin!
The event then moved to the fellowship hall, after all of the congratulating handshakes and hugs, for sandwiches and cake.  Richie's aunt Barbara cut and served the cake for him. Thank you Aunt Barbara! And a wonderful time of fellowship followed. It was a great day.
Toward the end Mrs. Vadino stopped in to congratualte Richie. I was so glad for the few minutes to visit with her.
The weather held out as good as could be expected for that time of winter.  Only a little sleet rain/snow.
The local newspaper came in to take some pictures:
Richard, Richie, Lynn and sister, Miranda

Our visit in Ohio is rapidly coming to an end. Since we know there is more severe winter weather ahead, we will be anxious to head south on Monday, January 18th.

Uncle Victor, Grandpa Wyatt, Richard, Lynn and Richie.
Sorry that Miranda and Doug could not attend!

Since Richie loves Chinese Buffet, we went to dinner on Sunday after church at the Royal Grill Buffet in Boardman to visit one last time and to say our goodbyes until May when we will return for graduation.  

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